The best way to enable financial giving to your church is to create the right environment for giving, particularly with regards to the systems in place within your parish, and our role as Giving and Generosity Officers is to help you get these in place.
Making sure your church has the right systems in place is essential to providing everyone in your church with the opportunity to give and to make it as easy for possible for people to give to your church.
Annual Calendar
Our team have created a calendar that includes all the essential tasks, a brief description of what you need to do and the dates you need to do them. This calendar, easily accessible on our Diocese of Sheffield website, encompasses all functions related to your church buildings, maintenance, parish accounts, and budgeting
A guide for PCCs applying to be registered with the Charity Commission
An extensive guide to preparing for and registering for charity commission registration. The guide includes support on registering online, completing each section including governance funding, stakeholders and much more.
Treasurer Toolkit
The annual accounts legal requirements and report generation. A comprehensive document containing information, links and downloads to help all church treasurers with the annual financial cycle.
Accounts Resources
Parish Giving Scheme
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a simple and secure way for churches to receive regular donations. It is an established service for managing Direct Debit donations, designed to support churches to fund their mission and ministry. The service is freely available to all parishes, their churches and donors, within dioceses that have chosen to participate.
Parish Giving Scheme also now offers a one-off giving solution, making it the one stop shop for all your parish giving needs.
How to get involved in the Parish Giving Scheme?
Find out how to register your parish for the scheme
Once registered, PGS have produced a series of templates and information guides to help with your local communications and engagement.
Explore Parish Giving Scheme Guides and Resources
Useful guides from other trusted sites
National Giving Team Training
Fundraising for Your Church Building
Giving and Vulnerable People
Code of Fundraising Practice
Fundraising Regulator