We recognise that the context in which the Church is called to communicate the Gospel is always changing.
Storytelling is an important focus for us, helping us to celebrate success across our mission areas, share best practice and tell the good news of Jesus at work in our communities.
For Churches
We seek to build relationships with the media and other partners in working within all communities throughout the Diocese advocating prayer and worship, teaching and nurture, as well as care and service. The emphasis is on being proactive rather than reactive.
We issue media releases, produce internal communications, keep the website up to date and advise the bishops, senior team and mission areas as to good practice when it comes to communications.
To keep up-to-date with what is happening across our area subscribe to the weekly eBulletin and look out for our quarterly digital magazine Network.
You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter
Who are we?
Thanks to funding from the Church of England’s Strategic Investment Board, we are also delighted to have two extra members for a time-limited period. These posts will be directly working with mission areas.

Helpful Links
Communications Toolkit – our guide to church communications – Use this to review your communications and for ideas on what tools to use to get key messages to your audiences.
Editors Code of Conduct from ipso.co.uk
Project Communications Plan Template – a helpful tool in planning any communications campaign or project
Get Your Church Noticed Toolkit – one of our eLearning courses
Help with storytelling