God calls us all as his children and we all have vocations of callings to different areas of life – in our families, communities and workplaces.
We have a passion to help Christians see that vocation is part of their normal life. The Vocations Team seek to enable churches to validate the different callings that their congregation are already living out. We aim to equip church leaders to develop cultures that grow vocations as well as encourage individuals in their vocational journey.
These pages aim to give you the information you need to explore different ways you might be called. To find out more about listening and responding to God’s call, see our What is my Calling page.
Who do I speak to?
In the Diocese of Sheffield, the Vocations Team are here to work with you to help you in your calling.

The Director of Vocations (DOV) is the Revd Dr Dan Christian. He oversees the Vocations Team supporting those who sense that God may be calling them. As part of that role, he works with those exploring a call to ordination as the Diocesan Director of Ordinands (DDO).

The Revd Jane Truman is the Assistant Director of Vocations, working with Dan in supporting those exploring a sense of call. Jane has a breadth of experience in providing learning and equipping for a range of ministries, both lay and ordained.

Hannah coordinates the Ministry Experience Scheme for those aged 18-30, supporting them in their placements and teaching. She is the first point of contact for anyone wanting to know more about the scheme.

Sally Hunter is the Vocations Administrator. She supports the vocations team and discernment process and is the first point of contact for administrative matters.
Some great examples of calling…

Find out more about Your Calling from the Church of England
We have compiled a comprehensive reading list covering many aspects of vocation and calling.