Roughly 30% of stipendiary clergy in the Diocese of Sheffield are women, and this is growing.
We are investing in a more diverse cohort of women. That way, young women and girls are able to see great role models and so be open to explore a possible future vocation of their own. The language we use, the policies we forge, the culture we create, all play a part on developing a Diocese where women can inhabit and develop their own distinctive vocations.
Termly Gatherings of Women Clergy
These allow for support and encouragement, and are well-attended – contact Amanda Barraclough for more information.
Our Family Friendly Policies
We have developed a set of policies, support and resources that are very much supportive of women, families and households in general. The booklet ‘Flourishing in Ministry’ is born out of a desire for those who are ordained to flourish and grow, together with their households.
Women in Ministry in the Church of England
In the Church of England, women now account for almost a third of all clergy and made up the majority of those entering training in 2017 and 2018.
To ensure that all gifts and ministries can flourish, the Church of England has worked alongside Transformations, a group of women working since 2011 on the flourishing of women’s ministry, to better understand how women and men experience ministry differently in a range of contexts.
Useful Links
Women in Ministry – Church of England
National Association of Diocesan Advisers in Women’s Ministry (NADAWM)
The Junia Network – for Anglican Evangelical Ordained Women