Exploring the Christian faith should be the most exciting adventure of your life.
It is about discovering your identity, who you are created to be, your place in the great plan of the creator of the universe, why this world has gone so wrong and who has been sent to save us.
We don’t want to miss the opportunity to tell you all about it. We leave that largely to our local churches but there are some great sites and resources that can help you start the adventure…
This is our faith.
We believe and trust in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Faith & Calling
You will be warmly welcomed at any one of our churches and if you want to explore Christianity many churches run introductory courses.
Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life, and God. Churches run courses all over the region so you should find one near you.
Christianity Explored
An informal and relaxed seven-week course. It’s for anyone who wants to think about the meaning of life, run by ordinary people local to you and is completely free.
Visit a Church
You will receive a warm welcome and you will find someone there to take further your questions of faith. Find a Church
Useful Links
There are also some useful websites to help you find out more…