Exploring the Christian faith should be the most exciting adventure of your life.
Jesus Christ remains the central figure of history. So much has been written or sung about him.
He continues to hold a fascination, even for those who have not chosen to follow him. Have you ever really taken a good look at Jesus and what he said and did? This could prove to be one of the most significant steps on your own path through life.
Where could you find out more? Well, you could just look on the Internet. But what will you find there? We’re all familiar with websites that look OK but turn out to peddle very strange ideas indeed. Here are three suggestions of ways into exploring Christian faith.
Faith & Calling
We don’t want to miss the opportunity to tell you all about our faith. We leave that largely to our local churches but there are some great sites and resources that can help you start the adventure…
They involve exploring faith with other people. That’s important. Faith is a personal thing but it’s also about being part of a community; companions on any journey are such a support. Alternatively, you may wish to engage with the Bible on your own as it gets you directly to the words and stories that have been at the heart of Christian faith for 2000 years.
Visit a Church
You will receive a warm welcome at your local church and you will find someone there to take your questions of faith further. Find a Church
If you want to explore Christian faith through a course, find out if a church near to you is advertising one (Alpha & Christianity Explored are examples).
Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life, and God. Churches run courses all over the region so you should find one near you.
Christianity Explored
An informal and relaxed seven-week course. It’s for anyone who wants to think about the meaning of life, run by ordinary people local to you and is completely free.
Reading the Bible
Countless people have discovered Christian faith simply by reading the Bible and coming to a sense that it is true – or real. Some parts are easier to read than others. So, even though you decide, here is a suggestion: start with one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) that begin the New Testament.
Useful Links
There are also some useful websites to help you find out more…