Common Commitment
A leaflet that explains the expectations of a Church school
Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good
The Church of England Vision for Education
The foundational document that explains what we’re all about in education: wisdom, hope, dignity and community
Christianity in Schools
Creation, Incarnation and Salvation
Salvation and Easter in the Christian Tradition
Creation in the Christian Tradition
Incarnation in the Christian Tradition
Three sheets that provide a quick overview and ways of approaching the core concepts of Christianity.
Church Schools and Spirituality
Guidance for Diocesan schools on bringing our spirituality alive within the life of the school.
Doing God
Theos Think Tank’s 2006 report on the place of faith in public life.
Responding to OfSTED’s Deep and Meaningful
RE and Worldviews in our Diocese
Handout from the session responding to OfSTED’s excellent RE Review.
Liturgy in Schools
Handout from the session on liturgy and worship in the Church School
Church School Vision Training
Slides from the training session.