Sheffield Diocese has a significant number of curacy places for 2025 and are keen to explore some exciting opportunities with ordinands interested in coming to serve here.
In Sheffield, we do not have a set of specific churches that will receive curates next year. Instead, we have a unique process of matching an ordinand with one of our 40+ potential training incumbents. The relationship between the curate and the TI is central factor in the process. After an initial enquiry, the Bishop of Doncaster and the Director of Vocations will match an ordinand with the incumbent who they feel they can best train with. This can be in a range of contexts, geographical areas or traditions. If you are interested in an initial conversation, please do email our Director of Vocations and DDO – Dan Christian
IME Phase 2 aims to support curates in developing as leaders and team members.
Details of current Clergy, Centenary Project and Central Support opportunities
Our Diocesan Wellbeing Booklet ‘Flourishing in Ordained Ministry: Clergy and their Households’ has lots of helpful information for ordained as well as lay ministers.