A Church of England diocese working in South Yorkshire and the southern parts of the East Riding of Yorkshire.
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Our Diocese comprises church congregations, schools, chaplaincies and other organisations all united by our common Christian faith. As a Church of England Diocese, we are called (in the words of our Vision Statement) ‘to grow a sustainable network of Christ-like, lively and diverse Christian communities in every place which are effective in making disciples and in seeking to transform our society and God’s world’. Every day, all around the diocese, dedicated, creative and passionate people are working together in the mission of God.
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Our Diocese
Who We Are
Information about our vision and strategy, our Bishops, diocesan structures and how to find people
Vision & Strategy, Our Bishops, Structure, Governance, Central Team Directory, Diocesan Directory, Vacancies
Church Support
For Churches
Helping and supporting parishes in all aspects of church life
Worship & Prayer, Welcome, New Congregations, Operations & Finance, Buildings, Digital, Net Zero & Climate Change, Communications, Mission Action Planning
Church Support
Information, resources and support for all lay and ordained ministers
Ordained Ministry, Reader Ministry, Focal Ministry, Children & Youth Ministry, Wellbeing
Church Support
How to raise a concern, guidance on church policies & practice and training events
Report a Concern
Church Support
Centenary Project
Equipping the local church to grow a new generation of young people and families and support for workers
Faith & Calling
Lights for Christ
Resources to support a discipleship model helping you live out your baptismal calling to be a light in the world
Faith & Calling
Vocation & Calling
Helping Christians see that God’s calling is part of their normal life – for those exploring calling and considering ordination
Faith & Calling
Exploring Faith
Exploring the Christian faith should be the most exciting adventure of your life. Resources to help explore Christianity and find a church
Our Diocese
Life Events
Marking the important milestones in your family’s life – weddings, baptisms & funerals
Our Diocese
Education Provision
Church of England Schools and Academies are a vital part of the ministry of the Diocese
All the upcoming events from across the Diocese