More than 60 people working to reduce carbon emissions across the Church of England gathered in Gloucester for the first time last week to share ideas and learnings.
A two-day Net Zero Carbon Connect Conference, sponsored by Ecclesiastical Insurance, part of the Benefact Group, was held to gather and connect colleagues from 35 dioceses plus other denominations to share expertise on the Net Zero Carbon Programme.
The conference heard first-hand experience from several dioceses on what they have done in specific areas such as analysing data, gaining hearts and minds, NZC strategy, and overcoming challenges. Julian Atkins, Net Zero Carbon Programme Director, described how support is being rolled out by the Net Zero Carbon Programme. Rev Canon Dr Flora Winfield, Third Estates Commissioner of the CofE and Chair of the NZ Programme Board, gave a rousing and empathetic address that captivated the audience and announced that the Benefact Trust will fund £1.5m for the Church Demonstrator project.
David Castle, Net Zero Carbon Project Officer from The Diocese of Sheffield was at the event. He said:
“This was such an important event, a chance for people across the Church of England who are passionate, motivated and actively engaged in achieving net zero carbon to meet in an environment that was utterly supportive. It was a fantastic chance to hear about substantial achievements made in many dioceses and learn what made them successful as well as pitfalls to avoid. I was especially encouraged by the astonishingly broad knowledge, expertise, determination and sense of mission amongst my colleagues. Despite the immense challenge we face, there is now a real sense of community and dynamism in this movement, and I’m looking forward to seeing incredible things in the months and years to come”
The Church of England’s ambitious Net Zero Carbon by 2030 programme aims to equip, resource and support all parts of the Church to reduce carbon emissions from the energy used in its buildings, schools and through work-related transport by 2030. Find out more here: and