Where to Start
If you have identified ministry to children, young people and families as a priority in your Mission Action Plan, then a Centenary Project Worker (either children, families or youth) might work in your parish or mission area.
Before getting in touch, we’d like you to take a look at our criteria document, to see whether your context would be a good fit for a Centenary Project Worker. If you think your parish or mission meets the criteria, please get in touch with us at info@centenaryproject.org.uk
We will walk with you throughout your application process by helping you to shape the role, consider your context and give you advice about funding the post beyond 3 years. The Project Manager or one of the Area Coordinators will visit your PCC and encourage your church to get behind the vision and commit to the whole project.
Work with Us
The Centenary Project is recruiting for exciting, new roles in parishes across the Diocese of Sheffield. Our workers are on the frontline of mission to children, young people and families in South Yorkshire.