What does this mean?
As followers of Jesus we learn to give with abundant generosity reflecting God’s amazing grace for us all. As we receive Christ’s forgiveness we learn how to reflect God’s amazing grace to others by forgiving those who sin against us. We learn how to live out our faith in work, rest and prayer.
We walk in the light of Christ by:
- enjoying God’s gifts with gratitude
- living by the teaching of Jesus
- giving generously
- giving and receiving forgiveness
- balancing rest and work
Faith in Everyday Life (including at work)
Here you’ll find links to resources and organisations that can support you to live out your faith on Monday to Saturday as well as on Sunday. Please note that the views of external organisations do not necessarily reflect the views of the Diocese.

CaSS connects, encourages and resources those serving schools

A charitable organisation whose aim is to see the workplace transformed by every Christian living out their faith in effective workplace ministry

Unites and equips Christian doctors and nurses to live and speak for Jesus Christ

Encouraging and supporting Christians in the Police Service

Where business leaders put their values to work to transform business and communities

Providing pastoral and spiritual care to professional and amateur sport
Christian Ambulance Association Facebook Group – a forum for Ambulance Service workers to share, support and encourage one-another so they can be salt and light to their friends, family and colleagues.
How to Thrive as a Christian Nurse – an article exploring how nursing can be an expression of the Christian faith.
Association of Christian Teachers – helping Christians in education to live for Christ as they lead in the classroom.
RePurpose Retirement Resource – a six-session discussion guide for anyone looking to grow as a disciple in retirement.
How Doctors and Scientists Apply Faith on the Front Lines – an article from Christianity Today in which six medical professionals share how their faith informed their practice during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Other resources

God calls us all to care for creation. Find out how you and your church can support this integral part of our mission.

A Lights for Christ resource to help you take small steps in caring for God’s creation

An 8-session course. Delve into the rich ways God works in and through us right where we are. Available to borrow
ARocha – a global family of conservation organizations working together to live out God’s calling to care for creation and equip others to do likewise.
Green Christian – working to care for Creation through prayer, living simply, public witness, campaigning and mutual encouragement.
Practicing the Way – A pathway for apprenticeship to Jesus. A good tool for people who are looking to go deeper with their Personal Rule of Life.

Resources that will help you in prayer, study, worship and spirituality.

Resources that will help you share your faith as you serve and live as disciples wherever you are.

Resources for discipleship with young people and families – part of Lights for Christ section