What does this mean?
Sharing our faith story, in and out of church. Engaging in acts of love and service for the communities where we live and work, and promoting the care of God’s creation.
We reflect the light of Christ by:
- loving and praying for those we live and work with
- sharing Jesus in our communities
- serving those in need
- challenging injustice and promoting peace
- caring for God’s creation

A four-part blog series from Elliot Hyliger and Hannah Sandoval about the cautions and opportunities of the digital world

Support in giving a really warm welcome to people visiting our churches so that they want to return

A course to train Christians to share their faith through six-video sessions and a coursebook

Resources that will help you in prayer, study, worship and spirituality.

Resources that will help you develop your discipleship, life balance, giving, small groups and sustainable lifestyle.

Resources for discipleship with young people and families – part of Lights for Christ section