Contact – Revd Ali Dorey m.07974 312156
Cursillo is a movement of the Church providing a method by which Christians are empowered to grow through prayer, study and action and enabled to share God’s love with everyone.
It is possible to encounter God in many ways… encountering God is easy – it is following Christ afterwards that is the problem.
Eduardo Bonnin – Cursillo Founder
Our Diocesan vision
“The Diocese of Sheffield is called to grow a sustainable network of Christ-like, lively and diverse Christian communities in every place which are effective in making disciples and in seeking to transform our society and God’s world.”
If we are to be effective in God’s mission to change the world, we ourselves must be renewed people.
Our course
The word ‘Cursillo’ is Spanish and means ‘a short course.’ We consider Cursillo to be a 4 day course on Christianity, with 3 days in the form of a gathering and the 4th day being the rest of our lives. We offer a “Cursillo” gathering over a weekend starting Friday evening to Sunday late afternoon.
The Cursillo weekend offers a life-changing experience through which God inspires, renews and challenges us. Cursillo doesn’t finish there though. There is also an opportunity to join or form a small group to share mutual support, prayer and challenge as you journey with God.
Keeping going
The Diocese of Sheffield has an active Cursillo community. We regularly gather in various locations to encourage each other and to worship God together. Our gatherings are called “Ultreyas” (meaning “onward!” or “keep going!”) and anyone is very welcome to come along to discover more.
Through Cursillo the love of God is experienced afresh, an experience which draws us into prayer and compassionate action. Because of this, Cursillo is a much needed instrument for the renewal of the life of the Church today, and one for which I give thanks.
Archbishop of Canterbury The Most Revd Justin Welby
I warmly endorse Cursillo as a tool in the hand of the Holy Spirit. but be warned: you are unlikely to emerge from the process unchallenged or unchanged.
Rt. Revd Pete Wilcox, Bishop of Sheffield
Our next Cursillo weekend
Friday 9 May (starting 6pm) to Sunday 11 May 2025 (ending late afternoon) at the Wilson Carlile Centre, Sheffield.

Download our leaflet
To find out more about Anglican Cursillo Nationally
Visit the website at:
Or contact National President, Helen Taubman:
Or the National Spiritual Director, Revd Sharon Guest:
Jenny Moorby: (01226) 288571
To find out more about Sheffield Anglican Cursillo
Jenny Moorby (Lay Director):
Revd Fiona Kouble (Diocesan Spiritual Director for Cursillo): 0785 2316796
Revd Ali Dorey: 07974 312156