The deadline for the next panel is the 28th of February 2025 at 5pm
The Minor Repairs Grant is designed to provide PCCs small grants that allow them to make minor repairs to their churches. A pot of money has been awarded to the Diocese of Sheffield by the Church of England to allow for these projects to happen. Below the eligibility criteria is explained for the grant and what exactly is covered by it.
Please note that all work must be registered on the Online Faculty System as List A, List B or Full Faculty dependant on permissions needed for the work.
All repair work must be included in your most recent QI.
A Church Buildings Officer must be involved in the application process, otherwise the application will not be accepted.
What Buildings are Eligible?
Consecrated Church of England buildings for worship including shared buildings and ecumenical partnerships.
The ‘building’ in this sense also includes below ground services, foundations and the immediate curtilage of the church.
Eligible Repairs
Repair of external building fabric: roof coverings, roof structure, walls, parapets, pinnacles and other architectural features, towers, spires, windows, doors, rainwater disposal system including below-ground drainage.
Repair of internal building fabric: ceilings, floors, doors, walls and wall linings (plaster/panelling but not wall paintings, mosaics etc).
Repair of building services installations where essential for health and safety and/or continuity of worship and mission use.
Emergency repairs or holding works, e.g. propping, covering, protection etc.
Other Eligible Costs
Professional fees to design, specify, inspect and certify the repair work.
What Work Isn’t Eligible
Routine maintenance. If you are struggling to understand this consult the Church Building Council’s Calendar of Care for routine maintenance that will not be included.
Routine cleaning.
Work to furnishings, such as bells and bell frames, books and manuscripts, church plate, clocks, monumental brasses and decorative metalwork, monuments, organs, paintings and wall paintings, stained glass, textiles, wooden objects. These may qualify for the grants administered by ChurchCare (see Grants for historic church interiors and churchyard structures | The Church of England).
Below is the full eligibility guide for the grant. If you have any questions, please contact
We will assess reserves levels and church accounts when considering applications and will prioritize churches that would struggle to financially cover these repairs.
If you are interested in applying for the Minor Repairs Grant please contact or for more information.
Minor Repairs and Improvements Grant Application Form
Net Zero Quick Wins Grant
The Net Zero Quick Wins Grant is also available to support churches with small-scale decarbonisation projects. Find out more.