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Mission Area Support

Mission Area Support operates to help and serve people in the parishes in various aspects of church life.

Alex MAS video cover
Alex Shilkoff briefly explains the purpose of Mission Area Support Teams

Mission Area Support operates to help and serve people in the parishes in various aspects of church life. It is the diocesan response to the Released strand of the strategy, it aims to release parishes as far as possible from current constraints (e.g. administrative and compliance demands; of inherited structures and buildings);

It combines resources, people and skills to directly support parishes with issues relating to admin and compliance.

Mission Area Support Team

We have a clear structure of support in all of the areas that will help your church to thrive, grow and multiply. Our ‘Church Support‘ section of this website has been specifically structured around mission area support. The areas covered are as follows and all these areas have a specific person or team who will support you…

Associate Archdeacons (AATEs)

The role of the Associate Archdeacon is to work with and support churches and church leaders in all the areas of church life which will help us realise our vision towards 2025.

Watch Chris Stebbing explain the support offered by Associate Archdeacons