What is a Sabbatical?
A sabbatical is a time for refreshment and recreation. The word ‘sabbatical’ is derived from the same root as ‘Sabbath’; a fundamental purpose of a sabbatical is to have a time for rest and renewal, so as to return to ongoing ministry refreshed and re-energised physically, emotionally and spiritually.
A sabbatical is not a holiday. Nor is it doing the same job in a different location (that is a ministry exchange). A sabbatical is not the same as study leave; there may well be an element of study within a sabbatical but it will involve more than simply disciplined study. It will include time for personal reflection on ministry and calling, along with a deepening of one’s own spiritual life.
Examples of sabbatical projects might include:
- A study of patterns of shared leadership made by visiting a range of contrasting churches in the region.
- A visit to a church overseas to experience some aspect of church life in a different culture.
- Writing a book or article in an area of theology of particular interest and contemporary relevance.
- An extended retreat offering exposure to some unfamiliar style of spirituality.
- Spending time outside the church environment, e.g. in a prison, school or social services department.
A sabbatical is a gift from which any licensed minister (lay or ordained, stipendiary or self-supporting) might benefit if the opportunity can be made available.
Organising a sabbatical
Revised February 2025
The Diocese of Sheffield makes provision for sabbatical leave for clergy who have served a minimum of ten years in stipendiary ministry. A limited number of sabbaticals can be provided, with each one generally expected to last three months.
To achieve fairness and balance our diocese’s financial and human resources, allocation of all the sabbaticals for each calendar year will be decided in July of the previous year. So you need to be planning more than a year ahead.
The diocesan process for clergy undertaking a sabbatical is broadly as follows:
- At least a year before the proposed start date of the sabbatical, the applicant requests an initial conversation with the Director of Ongoing Ministerial Development. This meeting involves sounding out ideas and a possible focus for the sabbatical, along with preliminary guidance about key aspects to consider and possible sources of funding.
- Following this meeting, the applicant writes a draft proposal (about two pages long) and submits this to the Director of OMD. This includes details of what is planned, a timetable, draft itinerary and costs, even if only provisional. (See ‘Writing a Sabbatical Proposal’ document for guidance on how to do this.) After any refinements to the proposal have been agreed, the applicant sends it to the Bishop of Doncaster.
- At the start of July, the Bishop of Doncaster considers all the proposals for the following calendar year and gives a response to each one.
- If approval is received, the applicant initiates a further conversation with their Area Dean and Archdeacon about the plans. The applicant begins to arrange cover for key aspects of their work during the period of the sabbatical.
- The applicant keeps in touch with the Director of OMD, submitting a progress report three months before the proposed start date.
- The Director of OMD arranges payment of a sabbatical bursary on request from the applicant just before or during the sabbatical period. Payment will be up to £825 maximum, depending on what is itemised in the applicant’s budget.
- Before beginning the sabbatical, the applicant fixes a date to meet for a debrief with a suitable person, perhaps their most recent MDR reviewer. This should take place 2-4 weeks after the sabbatical ends. The aim is to identify and reflect on one or two components of the sabbatical experience which have proved most fruitful and worthwhile. If this reflection and conversation highlights some valuable learning suitable to share with others, an opportunity for this should be discussed with the Director of OMD.