OMD Grants are available for clergy and licensed, authorised or commissioned lay ministers in the Church of England who are serving in the Diocese of Sheffield. These grants of up to £250 per year are for training events, quiet days and retreats. Support can also be sought from other appropriate sources, such as those listed below under Local and National Grants.
Sabbatical grants of up to £825 for three months (or £400 for a shorter period) are available. This amount would include the annual OMD grant. Applicants may also need to seek funds from other recommended sources. A maximum of five full grants (or equivalent) can be given per year (more details about sabbatical policy and process in our Diocese can be found here).
Postgraduate study grants of up to £750 per year are also available. A maximum of two grants can be given each year.
These grants are to support those who minister as part of the Church of England in the diocese of Sheffield.
If you prefer you can download an application form complete and return to us.
Other Diocesan Grants
There are a number of other funds available within our Diocese. These are largely for supporting churches in aspects of ministry and mission, rather than particular individuals in learning and development. Find out more
In order to be effective in applying for grants it is important to read the criteria well, choosing the appropriate fund for your needs. Take time completing the application form providing as much information as necessary to make the decision easier for those administering the fund.
Other Local and National Grants
Local Grantmaking Bodies
Pamela Richardson Fund
Readers can get financial help from this fund, from the diocesan Readers’ Association which has set aside a fund in memory of Pamela Richardson to assist Readers in the diocese with the costs of OMD. Application form
Whirlow Sprituality Centre
Whirlow Grange Ltd is the Charitable Company that is in partnership with All Saints, Ecclesall, Sheffield to operate the Whirlow Spirituality Centre.
Each year the Directors, taking account of the financial resources available to them, will set aside a part of the Charity’s income to make grants. These are for individuals and corporate bodies for religious and educational purposes primarily in the field of Christian Spirituality and, from time to time as the Directors see fit, in other areas of Christian life.
Requests should be submitted by mid-January, mid-April, mid-August or early-November. T: 020 7799 3696 Find out more
Sheffield Church Burgesses Trust
This historic Trust was set up to serve the spiritual and practical needs of the people of Sheffield.
The Burgesses will consider ministry applications for limited periods of time for the following purposes:
- Training for Ministry and training in Ministry.
- Staffing newly established parishes or districts. eg. a new daughter Church.
- Staffing new work that extends the ministry and mission of the parishes e.g. Missioners, Youth Workers, Evangelists, Community Workers and the like.
- The employment of e.g. chaplains or lay workers outside the Parish network, and undertaking non-parochial assignments.
If seeking a ‘training in Ministry’ grant for a course or retreat, begin with just an email or letter, rather than a form. Indicate where you live and minister, details of the event, why you wish to attend, total costs and any support promised from other sources such as the diocese.
Requests should be completed by early January, late March, mid-June or mid-September; so initial inquiries are best submitted at least a week before those deadlines, in case further information is needed. or Mr Ian Potter, The Law Clerk, Sheffield Church Burgesses Trust, 3rd Floor, Fountain Precinct, Balm Green, Sheffield, S1 2JA T: 0114 267 5588 Find out more
Sir Henry Stephenson Endowment Trust
This historic local charity offers financial support for clergy who wish to do postgraduate study at the University of Sheffield.
Contact: Planning and Governance Services, University of Sheffield, Edgar Allen House, 241 Glossop Road,
T: 0114 222 1208
National Grantmaking Bodies
Adams Myland Fund
Applicants must be licensed Readers (LLMs) (i.e. grants are not available for initial training) and should reside within one of the dioceses of the Church of England or of the Church in Wales. Find out more
Association of Church College Trusts
The Association of Church College Trusts (ACCT) was formed in 1979, as a loosely-knit organisation of autonomous trusts. They all promote educational work, particularly the teaching of Religious Education. Each has a different emphasis and some have additional priorities; some focus on projects in their own geographical location. or Dr Mark Chater, 62 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6PN. Find out more
Cleaver Ordination Candidates Fund
The Cleaver Ordination Candidates Fund exists for the support and encouragement of Anglican ordinands committed to a traditional Catholic understanding of the priesthood and episcopate, and to urge the importance of continuing sound theological learning amongst the clergy.
The Clerk, Mr John Hanks or Clerk to the Trustees : 50 Thames Street Oxford OX1 1SU. Find out more Book Grants for Ordinands
Clergy Support Trust
Formerly known as Sons and Friends of the Clergy, the Trust will consider grants for clergy who have limited savings and do not own property, towards:
- books for ordinands
- sabbaticals
- retreat costs
- certain living expenses, health issues and various other special purposes
Contact: or 1 Dean Trench Street, London SW1P 3HB T: 020 7799 3696. Find out more.
Ecclesiastical Insurance Ministry Bursary Awards
The Ecclesiastical Ministry Bursary Awards help ministers to finance extended study leave and ministerial development. Applicants must have served 10 years as full-time stipendiary in Christian church, clerical or lay, excluding dignitaries.
Applications for sabbaticals are usually considered in November and awards made during December.
Maggie Vinson, Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester GL1 1JZ T: 08457 773322. Find out more.
European Bursary Trust
Grants for travel to study a church and country within Europe. Apply before 31 December for the following year.
Contact the Revd Ian Holdcroft, the Vicarage, 780 Whitchurch Lane, Whitchurch, Bristol BS14 0EU
Fellowship of the Maple Leaf
The Fellowship of the Maple Leaf (FML) exists to promote links between the Church in Canada and the United Kingdom by furthering mutual learning in our engagement with each others’ cultures. To achieve this, grants of two kinds are awarded:
Individual bursaries for study and cross-cultural experiences for Canadians visiting the UK and for people from the UK visiting Canada.
Grants for projects involving the development of ministry and in the fields of Christian education and training, social responsibility, cross-cultural communication, and pastoral work. Find out more.
Lawrence Atwell’s Charity
The Charity assists young people who come from a low-income background to become qualified or equipped to work in their chosen career.
Skinners Hall contact details: Skinners Hall, 8 Dowgate Hill, London EC4R 2SP
T: 020 7236 5629 Find out more
Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust
Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust is an ecumenical charity that offers several grants each year towards vocational training for those considering preaching. Grants can be used towards course fees and materials for any recognised course that enables the applicant to explore or develop their preaching skills. This may include ‘gap year’ style courses as well as continuing professional development courses. T: 01923 231811 Find out more
Mission Trust Fund
Makes grants to support projects that further the Church’s mission.
Dr Martin Heath (Mission Grants Administrator), Mission and Public Affairs Council, Church House, Westminster. SW1P 3NZ T: 020 7898 1469
Philip Usher Memorial Fund
Scholarships and travel grants for study abroad of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Applicants must be either ordained ministers, or accepted candidates for ordination. Priority will be given to applicants who are under 36 years old.
The holder of the scholarship will be required to spend between six and eighteen months abroad in the study of the faith and practice of an Orthodox Church. A written examination (with some theological reflection) of the time spent in the study of the Orthodox Church must be submitted within six months of return.
In addition to Scholarships, the Committee is able to award smaller grants for shorter periods of Orthodox study, if there are applications of sufficient merit, and resources are available. Find out more.
Priscilla Trust
A family charity trust which makes available for free a cottage in the Dordogne for full time clergy undertaking sabbaticals and their families.
For prospectus, application form and details of available dates please send an A4 SAE to:
The Revd David Gerrish. Scribbage House, Herbert Place, Weymouth DT4 8LR T: 01305 789 319
Provost Howard Fund
This fund gives awards for theological study for understanding and promoting ecumenism and for practical projects on reconciliation and international understanding. Applicants must demonstrate the substantial involvement of other churches. The deadline for applications is June.
The Precentor, Coventry Cathedral, 1 Hill Top, Coventry CV1 5AB
St Boniface Trust
The Trust is a small charity established to advance the Christian Religion in accordance with the principles of the Anglican faith in all parts of the world. It exists particularly for the provision of education and training of clergy and lay people by the award of scholarships and maintenance allowance or any purpose concerning their spiritual or temporal welfare.
Secretary: Mr David Prior, 4 Cley View, Warminster, Wilts, BA12 8NS, 01985 216904. Find out more
St Christopher’s Educational Trust
Individuals may apply for grants for projects designed to support academic and/or practical studies leading to better practice in Christian education and formation. Find out more.
St George’s Trust
The Trust gives grants to Anglican clergy, seminarians and students. The awards are currently worth up to £350. Each year the Trustees set a budget for the total amount that can be awarded and distribution is made until the limit is reached. We therefore encourage application early in the calendar year.
Clergy – The grants for stipendiary clergy are for those taking sabbaticals. For self-supporting clergy (for whom official sabbaticals are rarely given) grants are available for recognised study. The grant will customarily contribute towards travel and accommodation costs involved in study. A brief letter of confirmation from a cleric’s bishop, archdeacon or continuing education office is required to support the application. Find out more.
St Luke’s College Foundation
The Foundation’s object is the advancement of further and higher education in religious education and theology. Grants are awarded to individuals for research and taught postgraduate qualifications in these fields; and to eligible organisations for related initiatives and facilities. T: 01822 613143 Find out more.
Torchbearer Trust
Grants for people engaged in full-time Christian instruction or training. Preference is given to students and former students of Torchbearer Bible schools. Usually grants of up to £200. Typical Grants: One-off grants and bursaries according to need. Apply in writing to the correspondent.
Correspondent: The Secretary, Capernwray Hall, Carnforth, Lancashire LA6 IAG T: 01524 7363908;; Find out more.
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
Would experience overseas enhance your effectiveness in your career or field of interest?
Could this bring real benefits and positive change to your community, the UK and yourself?
If the answer is ‘yes’, check your eligibility, look at examples of previous projects, and register to receive an email alert when applications re-open. Grants cover return and internal travel, daily living and insurance. Find out more.
Women’s Continuing Ministerial Education Trust (WCMET)
The object of the WCMET is to further the Continuing Ministerial Education of women in the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church by means of grants to ordained women, female Accredited Lay Workers (including Church Army sisters) and religious sisters (lay or ordained) who are in need of financial assistance. Three Trusts formerly known as the Central Deaconess House Trust Fund, the St Andrews House Fund and the Church of England Deaconess Fund were amalgamated to form the WCMET.
The Trustees’ policy is to assist work and ministry in areas that go beyond normal diocesan financial responsibilities or where normal diocesan resources are insufficient, for example in-service training, academic study, sabbaticals and travel.
Applications should be made on the form provided below. Applications will normally be considered quarterly, at the end of: March, June, September and December.
WCMET, Ministry Division, Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ Find out more.