September, a time of new beginnings in the world of education. New school years begin, and students of all ages begin new courses, whether at school, college or university; there’s often lots of excitement and hope for the new academic year. Who can remember walking to school and autumn leaves crunching under our feet?!
For many, it is the time when summer holidays have been taken and we begin again in the workplace, which can also feel a bit like a new beginning, we can feel refreshed and hopeful for our to do lists.
At the start of the Bible, we hear the words “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (you can find this is the very first book of the Bible called Genesis, and it is the very first sentence). And what a wonderful, beautiful earth; those crunchy Autumn leaves, the rolling hills and moors of Yorkshire are certainly amazing (God’s own Country?!).
The Church calls this time of year, from 1st September to 4th October ‘Creationtide’; a time when we focus on God as Creator and Sustainer of all life. It’s a time to thank God for creating the heavens and the earth (and perhaps especially Yorkshire!), and also a time to stop and consider how we take care of God’s beautiful and awe-inspiring creation.
This year, during Creationtide, in the church we are thinking about ‘Hope’ and creation. We hope for and have an expectation for a better future. To be hopeful means taking action to strive for something new and/or different. Across the world people will be thinking about this Season of Creation.
We are all a part of God’s creation; he created and loves each one of us. He has also tasked all of us to care for his creation. So, Creationtide, is the perfect time not only to thank God for all he has provided, but also a time to stop and reflect and ask how we are shining as lights for Christ in the world, in terms of God’s creation. How are we taking care of creation? How are we being hopeful; what action are we taking to strive for something new/different to ensure creation is being well cared for?
However you like to reflect, whether it is over a cup of tea or coffee, on a walk in nature with the dog, whilst cooking or washing up, or perhaps with a friend or family member, I encourage you to consider how you are being hopeful about creation; as you talk to God, perhaps ask him what he wants you to do. Here are a few ideas about what you could do to help care for our creation, perhaps ask God to help you choose and equip you to make some small changes.
However you choose to be hopeful this Creationtide, I encourage you to enjoy God’s creation, becoming more aware of our beautiful and inspiring natural world and be thankful for all God has provided. God offers each one of us a new beginning as we journey with Him through life, which is always something to be thankful for and perhaps something we can respond to – in the way we do our best to take care of the world He has created and given to us to enjoy.