Ezinne Ehosiem from Rock Christian Centre has been announced as the winner of the Bishop’s Badge Competition, with her design to feature in the Wear Your Faith Fortnight campaign later this year. Bishop Sophie Jelley of Doncaster and a team from the Diocese of Sheffield and Arise Sheffield considered a total of 743 entries before choosing a winner and runners up.
Ezinne, 11, has produced a design which says ‘forgive’ and is surrounded by a beacon of light, helping to signify Jesus’ call to his followers to be the light of the world. This design will be made into stickers and a badge, whilst the runner up designs featuring the words ‘faith as small as a mustard seed’ (by Ava, aged 10) and ‘his love is warm and safe’ (by Bethany, aged 6) being made into stickers. The badges and stickers will be freely available to participating schools and churches during Wear Your Faith Fortnight (23 October – 6 November 2023).

In summer 2024, a button badge for primary school leavers will be made thanks to Sam’s (aged 11) design of a schoolbag featuring the words ‘every journey, God is with you’. This will be an especially poignant message for pupils as they make the transition to Secondary School.

The quality of the designs submitted were of such a high standard that a special category has been created to acknowledge the hard work that has gone into producing them. Certificates will be presented this Autumn to those who have been given a special commendation for their design.
Children and young people from across the Diocese of Sheffield were asked to design badges thinking about:
- What God’s love looks like to you
- A story from the life of Jesus
- Anything else to do with the Christian faith

Lights for Christ Enabler Hannah Sandoval said:
‘It was a joy to see the huge variety of ideas that children and young people have come up with. It will be so exciting to be able to wear and share our faith in the autumn using the winning designs.’
The Bishop of Doncaster, the Rt Revd Sophie Jelley, said:
‘We’ve been overwhelmed that we’ve had over 700 entries from children right across the Diocese and the surrounding areas. Young people have been so creative and imaginative, as they’ve thought about what their Christian faith means to them and how they shine as a light for Christ in the world today.‘Well done to everyone who took part. You’ve really put in a great effort and we’re absolutely thrilled!’