The Hollowford Trust is a Christian Trust Fund managed by members of the Anglican Church in the Diocese of Sheffield (which covers most of the county of South Yorkshire, and small parts of East Riding, North Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire).
Who Can Apply for a Grant?
This fund aims to assist young people aged between 10 and 25 years who live in or near the Diocese of Sheffield, to develop their physical, mental and spiritual capabilities, so that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society and so that their conditions of life may be improved. Individuals can receive up to £400, groups up to £525 and special events or projects which benefit larger groups of young people may apply for up to £2,500.
The Hollowford Trust is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable people and follows Diocesan guidelines to ensure this. Where it gives grants to organisations working with children, young people and vulnerable people, these are made on the understanding that risk assessments have been made by the organisation.
What We Cannot Fund
- Repeat applications from an individual or the same group of young people for the same purpose
- Musical instruments
- Costs towards formal qualifications/education (inclusive of fees for integral course trips)
- Activities where evangelism is the primary purpose
- Employment of youth or children’s workers
- Retrospective grants
- Grants to other Charitable Trusts (No trust to trust grants)
Begin Your Application
It is important that you provide the trustees with as much information as possible to help them make a decision on your application. We have created an example application form to help applicants get an idea of the level of detail the trustees require to be able to fully consider applications. We recommend that you read this example document before you begin to complete your form.
Young people should apply on their own behalf where possible, but we will accept applications from parents, youth leaders and others where appropriate.
N.B. – Please allow 20-30 minutes to fill in the form and note that it cannot be saved and returned to later.
New £2,500 Big Award
The Hollowford Trust invites applications for awards up to £2,500 for exciting, larger-scale youth projects, trips or events (benefitting over 50 young people)! We trialled this as an annual award, but would now like to invite applications inline with our standard applications deadlines. With our limited funds, we may be able to award several grants of up to £2,500 in a year, so do get planning that amazing event, project or trip. Our usual criteria applies (as above).