Lay and ordained were treated to a morning of exploring the theme of healing under the Better Ministry Series being hosted at St. Peter’s Warmsworth.
The speaker was the Rev. Chris Low who is now retired in Sheffield diocese. Author of a recent book called ‘Shattering Glass Ceilings’ she explores healing ministry and her own healing. She was the UK National Director of the International Order of St Luke the Physician. She has been a guest speaker and healing seminar leader at conferences around the world.
The morning provided an opportunity to share experiences as well as being both educational and practical. We covered the theology of healing from scripture and Chris shared her own healing experience as she suffered from the destructive and alarming effects of multiple sclerosis.
The frame for much of Chris’s work was the Church of England report, ‘A Time to Heal’ which we were reminded was published over 10 years ago.
The healing of the sick in His Name is as much part of the proclamation of the kingdom as the preaching of the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The words of the 1978 Lambeth Conference:
Therein was the challenge of the morning, where are we in our ministry, are we offering healing, are we seeing healing? This, against the backdrop of one of my favourite passages in scripture from Ephesians 3:20.
Now to him who is able to do more than we all ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us…
These words echo the words in Mark 16: 17-18.
These signs will accompany those who believe … they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.
Encouraged we focussed on shared experiences and practical ways forward including prayer cloths, anointing and prayer ministry, There was a real emphasis on safeguarding both of the individual and ourselves as we seek to be faithful to scripture in the development and use of this ministry.
The morning was enjoyed by all, and Chris offered participants and churches additional training if required. There was real encouragement for everyone to fulfil their God given potential. We reflect and remember that it is God that heals, not us. It is through God’s grace, the Charismatic work of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you, Chris, for your time, insight and sharing.