Additionally, our parishes as separate legal entities must have their own policies and procedures to address concerns about the conduct of their employees and volunteers.
While the complaints procedure addresses issues of a general nature, the whistleblowing policy should be used to allow a disclosure of information that anyone genuinely and reasonably believes is in the public interest to bypass formal structures and to share their concern with an appropriate person without fear of reprisal.
We have policies and procedures to help you raise concerns. This is dependent upon who your concerns are about:
A high standard of integrity and service is expected of our clergy. Mostly that standard is met, but occasionally individual clergy can fall short of what is expected. When this occurs there are different ways to respond. At whatever level you are concerned, please be assured that your allegation of misconduct will be taken seriously.
Minor instances of inappropriate behaviour
If you are concerned about a minor incident or instances of behaviour which you consider inappropriate, you are encouraged to share your disappointment with the cleric concerned and resolve it together.
Area Dean / Archdeacon
If the attempts at communicating with the cleric have not proved fruitful, you should speak to your Area Dean or Archdeacon. The diocesan office will be able to tell you who this is. A representative of the bishop will then speak to the cleric concerned, so that the matter can be dealt with informally.
More serious misconduct
Only if the problem is more serious and may amount to misconduct which justifies disciplinary action will the provisions of the Clergy Discipline Measure (‘CDM’) be required. The CDM provides a procedure for handling such allegations of serious misconduct.
Lodging a CDM allegation of misconduct is the start of a legal process. An investigation will take place into the alleged misconduct. If the matter is referred to a tribunal it is likely that you will have to give evidence in person at a hearing.
Church of England Clergy Discipline Measure
Employees of the SDBF
Diocese of Sheffield Complaints Policy