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Live streaming your services is a great way to connect with those inside and outside your church. Using social media can make the process easier and more accessible.  


To live stream from YouTube, you need to have a channel that has been verified. Then, simply go to YouTube, then click Create > Go live. You can live stream from your computer or mobile, but you must have at least 50 subscribers to stream from a mobile if you are over 17. Those under 17 must have at least 1000 subscribers. 

All content in live streams must adhere to YouTube’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Service. You can read more about how to live stream from YouTube.  

Facebook Live 

From Facebook, you can live stream to your Page, group, profile or event. On mobile, go to the page where you want your live stream to appear and press the Live button at the bottom of the post composer. If you want to go live from a desktop computer or laptop, you will need to use Live Producer. 

You can read more about how to live stream from Facebook

Instagram Live 

As well as being a great place for you to share photos of what is going on in your church, Instagram also allows you to live stream to your followers for up to an hour at a time. Swipe right from your feed on your phone to open the Stories camera, then tap Live, then Start Live Video. 

You can read more about how to live stream from Instagram

Important considerations

Online copyright and licensing  
Churches need to think carefully about any copyright or licencing issues that may arise from live-streamed services or events.  

Copyright considerations 
You must always make sure you have the correct permissions to use any copyrighted materials on your website or in your videos or streams, including music, images and literature. This includes materials found through Google, such as images. 

Licences for churches 
Each church that uses copyrighted material such as music in a live-streamed event must have a licence. CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International) supplies copyright and streaming licences as well as other products and services to make this process easier and simpler for churches. 

Visit CCLI licensing or contact them to make sure you have the right licence for your church. 

GDPR and permissions 
Images and videos of people count as sensitive personal data under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Therefore, you must only use them with permission. 

Read more about image permissions in the Safer Environment and Activities guidance issued by the Church of England.