This retreat networking morning run by Ruth Rice and Fiona Firestone is aimed at resourcing our current Renew Wellbeing church teams AND providing training and information for those who are exploring setting up a Renew Wellbeing space in their context. A great opportunity to bring your team to be inspired, tap into what other Sheffield Diocese teams are doing and start to get something going, or just come by yourself just to find out more. Let’s learn and support each other!
Sheffield is part of the Church of England disability project to help churches help those with mental health problems. Their project officer, Helen James, has teamed up with Ruth Rice from Renew Wellbeing to help churches set up Renew Wellbeing Spaces.
With their support, we are able to work together with parishes who are interested in opening a Renew Wellbeing space, and help them do so, with information, in-person training and support all free of charge. Renew spaces are simple café style spaces run by local churches where hobbies and activities are shared or co-produced. Each café space is attached to a quiet room or prayer space where inner habits of wellbeing are shared. Each church partners with a mental health professional from the local council or other suitable organisation to ensure good inclusive practices for safe spaces where it’s OK not to be OK can be sustained. If you would like to know more, book here to meet Ruth Rice and talk further.
For more information, email Rev Dr Louise Castle, Bishop’s Advisor in Healing and wholeness : Healing.ministry@sheffield.anglican.org