Dr Rachel Jordan-Wolf will share with us some exciting things to share from the latest ‘Talking Jesus’ research to encourage us in our evangelism. We will also be looking at ways we can put this into practice across the diocese, in our local contexts and across our deaneries.
Rachel is the Executive Director of HOPE together. She has always been passionate that others meet and come to know Jesus Christ. She has worked with YWAM amongst prostitutes in the red-light district of Amsterdam and has done a PhD at Kings College London. She leads the HOPE together team as they equip and inspire local churches to reach out with the good news of Jesus. Previously she was the Church of England’s National Mission and Evangelism Adviser and is still connected to the Anglican church as her husband Darren leads a church plant in East London where she is actively involved.
This event is for clergy, Lay Ministers and also the Diocesan Community of Evangelists.
As the titles indicate, the same topic is covered at both events: Wednesday evening provides a briefer opportunity, Thursday allows more time to interact and cover it in greater depth. If you are attending the event on Thursday, lunch will be provided.
7pm refreshments for a 7.15pm start.
In order for catering and other arrangements to be finalised, bookings for this event have now closed. A late booking might still be possible: please contact Suzanna (suzanna.schofield@sheffield.anglican.org) if you wish to request this.